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Kim and Moon voted world's top TV drama actors

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Kim Hyun-joong and Moon Geun-young have been chosen the best TV drama actors in a worldwide vote.

Kim and Moon received over 25.5 million and 25.2 million votes, respectively, to earn the title of most popular TV drama actor and actress, according to a joint online poll carried out by the Seoul International Drama Awards 2009 and Yahoo! Korea on fans from 50 countries around the world.
Kim, also member of popular boy band SS501, made his acting debut in hit Korean drama "Boys Over Flowers".

Moon topped the category after showing an outstanding performance in historical drama "Painter of the Wind".

Meanwhile, “Boys Over Flowers” took the crown for Best TV Drama with 22.2 million votes.
The online survey was based on TV series that have aired in Korea, China, Japan, Taiwan and Hong Kong and was conducted in three languages -- Korean, English and Japanese.

The Seoul International Drama Awards 2009, held from September 4 to 13, is an annual fest for TV series from around the world.

169 shows from 37 countries have been submitted this year and winners will be announced and awarded at the ceremony, set to be held on September 11 at the Olympic Hall in Olympic Park, Seoul.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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