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MBC's TV series "Moon" will not be extended

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TV poster for series "The Moon Embracing the Sun" [MBC]

TV poster for series "The Moon Embracing the Sun" [MBC]

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MBC's historical serial "The Moon Embracing the Sun" will end its run on its original date without an extension, according to the show's producer on Wednesday.

"Even though there were discussions for a four episode extension, 'Moon' will wrap up its season on the original ending date, March 8," an official with Ten Entertainment told 10Asia over the phone.
"Moon," just six episodes away from its finale, is based on the novel of the same name by writer Jung Eun-gwol.

The plot surrounds a love story between Lee Hwon (played by Kim Soo-hyun) and a female shaman named Wol, played by actress Han Ga-in.

Wol was originally born into a noble family and was in line to become the crown princess when she got entrapped and faced execution. She later returns to the palace as a shaman after losing her childhood memory.
The series, also starring actor Jung Il-woo and actress Kim Min-suh, has brought in high viewership ratings in the high 30 percentile range and maintained the No. 1 spot on the Wednesday and Thursday primetime lineup since its premiere in early January.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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