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"Sherlock Holmes" wins big at 17th Korea Musical Awards

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Poster for musical "Sherlock Holmes" [LEHI]

Poster for musical "Sherlock Holmes" [LEHI]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean musical "Sherlock Holmes" won the grand prize and two more honors at the 17th annual Korea Musical Awards last night.

At the awards ceremony held at the Olympic Hall in Seoul on Tuesday, "Sherlock Holmes" scored the award for best musical, best composition and best screenplay.
The Korean musical adaptation of "Sherlock Holmes," based on the characters by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle with music and lyrics by Leslie Bricusse, opened its curtains in Seoul in August and starred musical actors Song Yong-jin, Bang Jin-eui and Goo Min-jin.

In the meantime, Kim Woo-hyung took home the award for best musical actor for his role in the musical "Aida" and Jo Jung-eun scored the award for best leading actress for her role in "Pimagol Love Song."

The ceremony featured musical performances by Kolleen Park, Cho Seung-woo and Yoon Bock-hee.
17th Korea Musical Awards - List of Winners

▲ Best Musical: "Sherlock Holmes"
▲ Best Musical Actor: Kim Woo-hyung ("Aida")
▲ Best Musical Actress: Jo Jung-eun ("Pimagol Love Song")
▲ Best New Musical Actor: PArk Eun-tae ("Pimagol Love Song")
▲ Best New Musical Actress: Song Sang-eun ("Spring Awakening")
▲ Best Supporting Actor: Lee Gun-myung ("Jack the Ripper")
▲ Best Supporting Actress: Goo Won-young ("Gwanghwamun Love Song")
▲ Best Director: Kim Hyo-jyung ("Turandot")
▲ Best Composition: Cho Jong-yoon ("Sherlock Holmes")
▲ Best Score: Uhm Ki-young ("Turandot")
▲ Best Screenplay: Noh Woo-sung ("Sherlock Holmes")
▲ Best Art Direction: Kwon Do-kyung ("Jack the Ripper")
▲ Best Stage Direction: Yeo Shin-dong ("Moby Dick")
▲ Best Choreography: Oh Jae-ik ("Temptation of Wolves")
▲ Popular Star Award: Kim Junsu, Yoon Gong-joo ("Tears in Heaven")
▲ Best Ensemble: "Guys and Dolls"
▲ Best Adapted Foreign Musical: "Spamalot"

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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