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Big Bang Daesung says he looks exactly like Sammy

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Big Bang member Daesung speaks at a press conference for animated film "Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage" held at a CJ CGV theater in Seoul, South Korea on December 7, 2010. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

Big Bang member Daesung speaks at a press conference for animated film "Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage" held at a CJ CGV theater in Seoul, South Korea on December 7, 2010. [Park Sung-ki/Asia Economic Daily]

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Korean boy band Big Bang member Daesung has said he looks exactly like his character Sammy in the upcoming animated movie "Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage."

The remark came on Tuesday during a press conference for the 3D computer animated picture as he responded to a reporter's question on how members of Big Bang reacted when they found out he was going to do a voice over for the cartoon.
"The members offered me lots of words of encouragement and they said that I look just like my character when I showed them how my character Sammy [voiced by Daesung] has big eyes," Daesung joked, drawing laughter from attendees of the press conference.

He further said, "If I was given another opportunity to do another project like this I would do it," while his co-star f(x)'s Sulli also explained that her members were very jealous and asked many questions on how voice over dubbing was done.

"Sammy's Adventures: The Secret Passage," a Belgian animated film produced in English and directed by Ben Stassen, features the voices of some of the biggest names in Hollywood including Isabelle Fuhrman, Tim Curry, Melanie Griffith and Jenny McCarthy.
The cartoon, about a sea turtle named Sammy who navigates his 50 year life through the changes caused my global warming, will open in local theaters on December 22.

Reporter : Lee Eun-ji ghdpssk@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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