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Japan's Nobuteru Maeda to sing at Ryu Si-won's wedding

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Hallyu star Ryu Si-won (left) and Japanese singer Nobuteru Maeda (right)

Hallyu star Ryu Si-won (left) and Japanese singer Nobuteru Maeda (right)

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Japanese rock group Tube leader Nobuteru Maeda will be singing at Hallyu star Ryu Si-won's wedding today.

At a press conference in early October, Ryu had mentioned that he had several singers in mind to perform during his nuptials alongside Korean singer Kim Jin-pyo but declined to disclose whom.
"I can't mention the names right now because I haven't asked yet but I really admire them both," Ryu had explained at the time.

On Tuesday however, just hours before his wedding, he revealed that Japan's Nobertu Maeda and veteran singer Shin Seung-hun will also sing at the ceremony.

Ryu became acquainted with Nobuteru Maeda while in Japan and sang songs "Only One," "I Wanna Be With You" and "Aishteru," all composed by Nobuteru Maeda, at his concert in Tokyo in 2008.
Set to also become a dad next spring, Ryu, 38, will tie the knot with nine-year younger bride today evening at the Grand Hyatt hotel.

Ryu made his debut in the KBS drama "Feeling" in 2004 and since starred in other series including "Secret" (2000, MBC), "Beautiful Days" (2001, SBS) and "Style" (2009, SBS).

He has also led a successful career in Japan in both music and acting, having released 17 albums and appearing in several local dramas.

Reporter : Cho Bum-ja anju1015@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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