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Kim Ha-neul cancels Japan sked over Park Yong-ha's death

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Korean actress Kim Ha-neul, who has been in Japan since last weekend, will be rushing back to Korea upon hearing of actor Park Yong-ha's sudden death earlier this morning.

The actress, who held a sold-out fan meeting in Japan over the weekend, had other schedules planned for the week.
"She decided to cancel the rest of her plans in Japan and rush back," an official at agency J. One Plus Entertainment told Asia Economic Daily over the phone on Wednesday.

"She was so shocked that she could not say anything. I think his death is harder for her to accept because Park Yong-ha was a bright and cheerful person," the official added.

Kim and Park had starred together in the hit TV series "On Air" (SBS, 2008).
The official added that many fellow actors, including So Ji-sub, are heartbroken over the news of Park, who was found dead in his apartment around 5:30 a.m. He had hanged himself on the cord of his camcorder charger.

Kim will be arriving in Seoul later this afternoon.

Reporter : Park So-yoen muse@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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