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Jang Keun-suk attracts thousands to Hong Kong fan meeting

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Hallyu star Jang Keun-suk at the "2010 JANG KEUN SUK Asia Tour in Hong Kong" held in Hong Kong on June 20, 2010. [Tree J Company]

Hallyu star Jang Keun-suk at the "2010 JANG KEUN SUK Asia Tour in Hong Kong" held in Hong Kong on June 20, 2010. [Tree J Company]

원본보기 아이콘

Korean actor Jang Keun-suk proved to be a major Hallyu force as he attracted thousands of fans to his Hong Kong fan meeting over the weekend, according to his agency Tree J. Company on Tuesday.

The actor, who has been visiting various Asian countries since March, met with some 2,000 fans at his fifth fan meeting titled "2010 JANG KEUN SUK Asia Tour in Hong Kong" on June 20, explained Tree J. in a press release.
News of Jang's arrival on June 17 brought out swarms of fans and reporters to the Hong Kong International Airport, prompting the local police to escort the Korean star out to the car.

The actor attended a press conference on Friday, answering questions in English and Chinese and performing the song "What Should I Do" at the request of reporters, and met with some 2,000 screaming fans at an autograph signing session the following day.

The two-hour fan meeting, held Sunday at Hi Tec Star Hall in Kowloon, Hong Kong, opened with a deejaying session and featured a Q&A time with fans as well as a True/False quiz show.
"This may be hard to believe but I am deeply moved every time I meet fans from far away through fan meetings," the actor was quoted as saying. "I was very surprised at the autograph signing because I didn't think that many people would show up to see me for just a short time. I am very sorry that I can't come more often, but I think I made fun memories during my Hong Kong visit."

Jang, 23, has appeared in several notable television dramas and films including "Beethoven Virus" (MBC, 2008) and "The Case of Itaewon Homicide" (2009).

He became a phenomenon in Korea and throughout Asia after starring in the hit TV series "He's Beautiful" (SBS, 2009), in which he portrayed an eccentric lead singer of idol group A.N.JELL.

Jang will be taking part in the club festival "South Africa in LOUNGE H," which he organized, at Seoul's Walkerhill Hotel Gayageum Hall later tonight. He will be cheering on the 2010 World Cup soccer match between South Korea and Nigeria, which airs in Korea early tomorrow morning.

Korean actor Jang Keun-suk at the "2010 JANG KEUN SUK Asia Tour in Hong Kong" held in Hong Kong on June 20, 2010. [Tree J Company]

Korean actor Jang Keun-suk at the "2010 JANG KEUN SUK Asia Tour in Hong Kong" held in Hong Kong on June 20, 2010. [Tree J Company]

원본보기 아이콘

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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