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On the set of Mnet's "Mnet Radio"

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A moment where not even a breath is heard? When girl group Kara's music video "We're With You" played on a monitor in the middle of the show, its hosts Kim Jin-pyo and Mithra Jin, guests SG Wannabe singer Lee Suk-hoon and V.O.S member Kim Kyung-rok, and even the camera director, stared infatuatedly into the screen showing Kara dancing in cheerleading uniforms. But this moment that our photographer failed to capture because he was embarrassed to even let the sound of his camera shutter interrupt the silence, may be the most memorable moment of the day. In such a way, the cast of "Mnet Radio" quite often revealed their vulnerability in the blind spots which are not revealed to viewers of the live radio show.

Just like there is no relationship between a real-time show and a real show, the actual raw state of "Mnet Radio" which captures even the smallest expression that its cast makes through live broadcast, takes place outside its camera's frame. It is not caught on camera but the way in which the cast pulled themselves together and loosened up their mouths everytime the producer signals, "The CM is ending. 9, 8, 7, 6...," showed a tension seen distinctly on live shows. Kim Jin-pyo jokingly saying to Lee Suk-hoon, "You look like you're on stage at church. Hallelujah!" when a video of Lee performing on "M! CountDown" runs, was another moment the camera failed to capture. And of course, 10Asia's camera too was unable to shoot such moments and the vulnerable faces of the celebrities not wearing make-up. But here, readers will be able to see some of the vivid expressions from the live show that were not revealed to its viewers. Kara member Kang Ji-young's face in particular, which was without make-up because of a sty in her eye, is really something that you can only see on 10Asia. Yes, we are bragging.

Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@
Photographer : Chae ki-won ten@
Editor : Jang Kyung-Jin three@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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