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Singer Brian to hold first Malaysia showcase

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Korean singer Brian has announced through his official Twitter site (http://twitter.com/Brianjoomuzik) that he will be holding his first showcase in Malaysia.

He posted a comment on his site earlier today, revealing that the showcase, titled "Brian's 1st Mini Showcase in Malaysia" which will be held at The Opera, Sunway Pyramid on July 10.
A representative from his agency On Point Entertainment said, "The location of the showcase fits around 800 people."

The rep went on to say that Brian is quite popular in the country because fans have seen him through various Korean variety shows and he is a member of R&B duo Fly to the Sky who sang the theme song for drama "Fashion 70s" which is currently showing in Malaysia.

Brian is scheduled to leave Korea on July 9 and attends a fan meeting and showcase the next day. He will also meet with ten local media outlets for interviews on July 11.
Meanwhile, Brian is currently working as an emcee for KBS' "Shoulder to Shoulder" alongside announcer Kim Seung-joo and singer Hwang-bo.

Brian, whose real name is Joo Min-kyu, made his debut in 1999 through Fly to the Sky who released numerous albums including "Sea of Love," "Missing You" and "Gravity."

Information on tickets for Brian's showcase can be found at www.rhythm-land.com.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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