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[STAR DIARY] Lee Min-ho - Part 7

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Although the location shoot in New Caledonia was difficult, what shocked Lee Min-ho the most during the filming of "Boys Over Flowers" was the car accident.

"I didn't have a driver's license but I had to shoot a driving scene. So I got my license in a rush and drove the car on a provisional license. And the car I was driving in the scene was a Lotus GP3." That is when last January, Lee Min-ho ended up crashing into a guard rail while shooting the driving scene for the show.
"They told me the car was worth over 100 million won. When the car charged forward and over the bump, I thought the car would fly over the guard rail. I was lucky to not get injured. I didn't worry too much because the car had been insured but it crumpled up like a piece of paper. So I thought, 'Even an expensive car like this one gets crushed easily.'" (laugh)

During the filming of "Boys Over Flowers", other main actors also often got into car accidents. Kim Hyun-joong, Kim Joon, Kim Bum and Ku Hye-sun were all involved in car accidents and when Ku was hospitalized for four days, the producers delayed airing of the series by a week and showed a special feature episode instead.

"I think all the car accidents happened because everyone was busy and exhausted from the shootings. Seriously, it was hard to get even one hour of sleep so we would be dozing off whenever we got the chance."

Reporter : Ko Jae-wan star@
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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