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Girl group T-ara kickstarts activities in Japan

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K-pop idol group T-ara has kicked off their activities in Japan starting by shooting a commercial in the country which will air starting today.

Their agency Core Contents Media had announced late last month that the group, along with boy band Cho Shin Sung, had been cast in a commercial promoting a Korean dish for Gusto, a popular subsidiary to the Skylark family restaurant chain with some 1,000 stores throughout Japan.
"We are honored to have shot the commercial with Cho Shin Sung and be given the opportunity to introduce a Korean dish in Japan," the girls said at a press conference located in the Roppongi Hills building in Japan on Wednesday.

The two groups also collaborated on the song featured in their commercial -- a new version of "TTL (Time to Love)" by Japanese songwriter Face3Fake which will be included in their Japan debut album set for release in May.

T-ara and Cho Shin Sung had jointly promoted the original version of "TTL" and "TTL Listen 2" which topped music charts during the latter half of last year.
The six-member girl group made their debut last year contributing to the soundtrack of the MBC drama "Cinderella Man" and soon released their debut single "Lies."

They are currently enjoying a successful comeback with their repackaged album "Breaking Heart."

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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