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Hwang Baek-hyun VS Hong Chan-doo

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Comparison of characters from KBS TV series "Master of Study"

The boy who makes our hearts pound - Hwang Baek-hyun (played by actor Yoo Seung-ho)
He is a baby tiger. In his previous life, he was Gwanggaeto the Great and Kim Chun Chu. He appeared in a children's TV show about magical fighters. He is rebellious. When he laughs, he will smirk "Hmph". He is what every older female girl would desire. His dream is to live a long, happy life with his grandmother. The two most pretentious lines he said were, "I'm sleepy, wanna race?" and "If you dare come near again I'll toast you." He always talks down on and rebels against adults but he is particularly adored by older guys. The ultra playboy who knows how to play mind games with a female classmate using an eraser and who will take off his clothes off for Hyun-jung when she gets jealous over the sight of him goofing around with Pul-ip. Yet he is a greedy little man who will manage his pool of women like no other, pulling away from Hyun-jung when she then tries to put her arm through his. Indeed! This is a boy who possesses a devilish charm so enchanting that is rumored that women with the average age of 27.5 years will throw out their conscience and cry out, "Oh, oh.. oppa*!" when they see him riding a motorcycle. Of course, Baek-hyun is a cold boy from the city who angrily tells a lovely 18-year-old idol girl not to call him her hubby but he would be warm and nice to my grandmother. So ladies, or those who might be old enough to be called aunts, perhaps it would be better for you to switch to being his grandmother.
(* oppa: Korean term the female gender uses to call the male gender of an older age)

The sweet-natured boy - Hong Chan-doo
He is like a baby puppy. In his previous life, he was Sejong the Great and Kim Yu-shin. He appeared in a children's TV show about Hwarang fighters. He has a cheerful and innocent disposition. He has an adorable childish laugh. He is what older female viewers hope for. Being the aspiring singer, it is rumored that the headphones around his neck is always playing songs by idol group Big Bang. His most pretentious line was "Hey, what can I do about this body which automatically starts moving when the music comes on?" His best features are his killer wink and a young, fresh personality, which might come across a little indecisive but nonetheless seems as pure as milk. There is rumor that female viewers lost their composure and started talking baby-talk at the television monitor during a scene where Chan-doo starts crying out of joy after getting a perfect score on a math test. Younger schoolmate Ye-ji has a crush on him but he has feelings for his kindergarten classmate Pul-ip. Sometimes he will walk home from school with neither but rather a new girl, and he has already written a video letter to his future girlfriend. But watching him fend off Hyun-jung by saying "Baek-hyun can receive my psychokinesis and mine only", makes the romantic storyline seem a little complicated indeed.

Reporter : Choi Ji-Eun five@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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