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Jang Dong-gun IQ reported at 143 during school years

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Top Hallyu star Jang Dong-gun's IQ was reportedly143 during his school years, according to a press release by a cable channel.

MBC every1 said in the statement on Tuesday that its documentary program "Star: The Secret" will report on the actor's childhood life during his elementary, middle and high school years.
The actor reportedly had an IQ of 143 despite failing the college entrance exam three times. Sources closes to the star have said that he was smart enough to go to [Korea's top colleges] Yonsei or Korea University, but had to take the college exam three times because he was suffering from a lung disease at the time.

Former school teachers and classmates described the actor as "a little gentleman" who was often voted class president and served on the student council.

The show will also feature pictures from his school days, an anecdote about his group blind date in college and his old childhood home.
Jang, one of Korea's top actors who starred in box office hits including "Friend and "Taegukgi", made headlines last week after admitting to his two-year romantic relationship with Korean actress Ko So-young. The two stars have long sparked dating rumors since they appeared together in 1999 film "Love Wind, Love Song" but it was not until last week that they officially announced their status as a couple.

The episode of "Star" featuring Jang will be aired at midnight on Thursday.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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