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Director's Cut version of "Thirst" shown at PIFF

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Remember priest Sang-hyun's prayer in the film "Thirst" earlier this year? How, after killing the father-figure principal priest, he kept telling himself that he didn't do anything wrong while carrying his dead body into the car?

If you have seen "Thirst" but do not remember seeing this scene, it is not your fault. The Director's Cut version of "Thirst", which added in about ten minutes of film including the aforementioned scene, is being played at the 14th Pusan International Film Festival (PIFF).
Critically acclaimed director Park Chan-wook, actor Song Kang-ho starred in the vampire horror flick as Sang-hyun and actress Kim Hae-sook who played a supporting role, held a question and answer session with the audience after the second showing of the edited version of the film on Sunday, where many foreign movie fans were seen listening to the director and taking notes in every corner of the theatre.

The director of the Cannes jury prize winner started off the session by saying, "I'm sorry to have made a long movie even longer and show it to you." But he didn't hide his affection for the film while explaining the stories behind making the Director's Cut version.

Most of the questions were directed at Park, perhaps because the film had already opened and been seen by many people. Actor Song Kang-ho, being playful in front of the audience, turned on the microphone for Park and got him a chair.

When asked by a foreign fan about the recent popularity of vampire films overseas and its link with the film, Park answered, "I think people are attracted to the eternal youth and beauty that vampires have." But Park stressed the unique appeal of "Thirst" by adding, "In that sense, 'Thirst' is actually a very different kind of movie."

The final showing of the Director's Cut version of "Thirst", only available at the PIFF, is scheduled for Wednesday at 10 a.m.

Park is the first South Korean director to have received two honors at the Cannes Film Festival. His hit flick "Old Boy" won the Grand Prix at the fest in 2004.

Reporter : Yoonina TV Critic
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@10asia.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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