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Park Hyo-shin to enter military next month

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Korean balladeer Park Hyo-shin [Jellyfish Entertainment]

Korean balladeer Park Hyo-shin [Jellyfish Entertainment]

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Korean balladeer Park Hyo-shin will enter the army next month as part of fulfilling the country's two-year mandatory military service, according to his agency Jellyfish Entertainment on Tuesday.

Jellyfish explained that starting December 21, the 28-year-old singer will undergo four weeks of basic training at Nonsan training camp in South Chungcheong Province.
"I am a bit worried that the public will forget who I am while I serve in the military but I also think it'll be a precious time during which I'll be able to look back on the past eleven years I've constantly pursued a singing career," Park was quoted as saying.

He will release the second part of his sixth album "Gift" on December 14 and perform for the final time with singers Gummy and Wheesung for the concert "The Gift" four days later at the Main Olympic Stadium in Jamsil.

Park made his debut in November 1999 with his album "Things I Cannot Do For You." He released several hit songs and is well-known for the theme song "Snow Flower" from the hit KBS TV series "I'm Sorry, I Love You."
He has also participated in various other soundtracks for dramas and movies.

Reporter : Choi Jun-yong yjchoi01@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@

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