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Han Hye-jin may marry Na Ul in a few years

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Actress Han Hye-jin said she may marry her singer boyfriend Na Ul of R&B group Brown Eyed Soul in the next couple of years.

“I will give him some time to do the things he wants after he finishes serving in the military and then get married in the next two to three years,” Han said during an interview with Asia Economic Daily on Monday.
“We’re both Christian and share the same views on many things. We also make up for each other’s shortcomings because I’m simple-minded while he’s more sensitive,” she said of her boyfriend of six years.

She added that she would like to do many good deeds such as volunteer work with Na Ul once they get married as many Christian couples do.

Han, 27, has appeared in several movies and TV series since making her acting debut in 2002. She gained popularity through 2005 MBC drama “Be Strong, Geum Soon!” and 2006 hit drama “Jumong”. Her film “No Mercy” is set for release on January 7 while she will also star in historical medical drama “Jejoongwon” set to air on SBS in early January.
Na Ul, 31, has been considered one of Korea’s top artists since his debut in 2003 as a member of Brown Eyed Soul whose debut album swept various music charts. He has been serving as a public service officer since late 2007 as part of completing Korea’s mandatory military service.

Reporter : Park So-yoen muse@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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