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Rain's innocence to be proved through "all means possible"

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Rain's innocence to be proved through "all means possible"

Rain [Asia Economic Daily]

Rain [Asia Economic Daily]

원본보기 아이콘

Singer and actor Rain's agency J.Tune Entertainment has vowed to take all forms of action necessary to prove that the 28-year-old superstar is being falsely accused of holding gambling debt.

The move comes after a Korean-American named Andrew Kim stepped forward on Monday to say that he has filed a lawsuit in the United States against Rain because he has failed to pay him back 150,000 dollars he borrowed for gambling three years ago.
Kim also said Rain has a "heavy gambling habit" and also met with a immigrations officer to obtain a green card in the U.S. which would exempt him from serving Korea's two-year mandatory military duties.

"Not even one percent [of what Kim has said] is true but we feel extremely wronged because what he is saying is being accepted as the truth and it’s ruining the trust Rain has worked to instill in the public for the past ten years,” J.Tune CEO Cho Dong-won told Asia Economic Daily's Sports Today during an interview late on Tuesday.

Through their legal representative, J.Tune had issued a prompt response which curtly dismissed all allegations made by Kim, but it has done little to quell the heated debate surrounding one of Asia’s hottest celebrities.
“Both Rain and I are angry over the malicious arguments [made by Kim] but also just over this situation we’re in where the public is half-doubting us,” Cho went onto say.

Then overcome with emotion, a Cho close to tears affirmed that J.Tune “will not stay quiet about this anymore” and “take every legal measure, including filing a counter lawsuit and take all means possible, even if it may have to be an international investigation.”

“By no means is Jung Ji-hoon related to any of this. He's a sound person. I will make sure to reveal the truth," Cho said resolutely.

Reporter : Cho Bum-ja anju1015@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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