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Se7en to return to make local comeback next month

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Korean singer Se7en will be releasing a new album in July, returning to the local music scene for the first time in three years, according to his agency YG Entertainment on Thursday.

"He will make a comeback in the country with his new album which will go on sale on July 21," a representative from YG Entertainment told 10Asia over the phone.
"YG and Se7en have been working hard on this album so we hope that fans are looking for the new release," the rep added.

A single track from the mini-album will be revealed on online music sites a week before the album goes on sale.

Se7en, whose real name is Choi Dong-wook, made his debut in 2003 with his album "Just Listen." He has numerous hit songs under his belt including "Come Back to Me," "Passion," "Crazy" and "La la la."
The singer had been in the United States since 2006 to pursue a musical career there, collaborating with famed record producer Rodney "Darkchild" Jenkins on his digital single "Girls" featuring female rapper Lil' Kim.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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