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G-Dragon to perform at Flo Rida's Korea concert

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Big Bang member G-Dragon will perform as a guest at American rapper Flo Rida's concert later this month, according to concert promoter Moonstone Korea on Monday.

G-Dragon, the leader of popular Korean idol group Big Bang, will take to the stage of Flo Rida's upcoming first concert in Korea to be held at Yonsei University's Main Auditorium on May 21 and 22.
Flo Rida, whose real name is Tramar Dillard, had done a featuring for a newly recorded version of G-Dragon's "Heartbreaker," a song which was originally accused of having plagiarized the U.S. rapper's hit single "Right Round."

G-Dragon will sing on the second day of Flo Rida's concert, while comedian Yoo Se-yoon, who recently caused a sensation with his music video "I'm Sorry I'm Not Cool," will grace the stage on the first day.

Flo Rida is one of the best known rappers in the world, whose first single "Low" held onto the No. 1 spot on the prestigious Billboard singles chart for 11 weeks.
His most recent second album "R.O.O.T.S." featuring "Right Round," stayed on Billboard's Hot 100 chart for six weeks.

Tickets for the concert will be available on online shopping website Interpark starting May 12 at 10 a.m.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@
Editor : Lucia Hong luciahong@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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