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Famed director James Cameron to visit Korea in May

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World famous director James Cameron will be visiting Korea for the first time ever in May for the 7th annual Seoul Digital Forum (SDF), according to the forum's organizer SBS on Thursday.

Cameron, well known for his blockbusters "Terminator," "Aliens," "Titanic" and "Avatar," will be one of the guest speakers at the forum titled "Renaissance Now...Shaping Another Breakthrough" and will be giving his lecture entitled "Renaissance Now in Imagination and Technology."
His speech, followed by a press conference, will be broadcast live on SBS at 8:30 p.m. May 13.

"This will be a great opportunity for me to meet my Korean movie fans and talk about the future of film," Cameron wrote to fans through an email to SBS.

"James Cameron has always had an interest in Korea, the culture and the entertainment industry," a representative of Cameron was quoted as saying.
Cameron's sci-fi computer graphic flick "Avatar" claimed the title as the most-watched film in Korean box office history, surpassing Korean thriller "The Host." His other blockbuster "Titanic" had held onto the title in 1998 until the release of Korean espionage film "Swiri" in 1999.

"Avatar" is also the first film to have grossed an accumulate 2.6 billion dollars worldwide from box office sales.

The Seoul Digital Forum, organized by major broadcasting company SBS, was established in 2004, inviting the most prominent people in technology, information, media and entertainment to Korea. Guest speakers give speeches about current issues and trends as well as the future.

This year's SDF will be held at the Seoul Sheraton Grande Walker Hill Hotel from May 12 to 13.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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