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Hero Jaejoong to appear in Japanese TV series

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TVXQ member Hero Jae-joong [Asia Economic Daily]

TVXQ member Hero Jae-joong [Asia Economic Daily]

원본보기 아이콘

Hero Jaejoong of Korean idol group TVXQ will appear in a Japanese television drama, according to a source close to the singer.

The source said in a phone call with Asia Economic Daily on Tuesday that "it has recently been confirmed that Hero Jaejoong will appear in a drama to air on Fuji TV."
The pop idol will be starring in the TV series titled "Sunao ni narenakute", written by popular television writer Kitagawa Eriko.

This will be the second collaboration between the famed writer and singer; they first met last year as writer and actor on telecinema "Postman to Heaven", which starred Hero Jaejoong and Korean actress Han Hyo-joo.

"Sunao", a story of friendship between a man and a woman who became acquaintances through Twitter, will star top Japanese actors Eita and Juri Ueno of smash hit TV series "Nodame Cantabile". Eita is set to play a newbie cameramen while Ueno will portray a temporary high-school teacher.
The series, which premieres in April, will be broadcast every Thursday at 10 p.m.

Hero Jaejoong debuted in 2004 in the five-member boy band TVXQ, one of the most successful K-pop acts in Asia. They reportedly have the largest fanbase in the world and have enjoyed great success in the Japanese music industry in particular.

The band became the first foreign artist to top the Oricon singles charts six times with their 27th single "Share the World/We are!" released last year.

Reporter : Cho Bum-ja anju1015@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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