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Korea launches integrated K-pop music chart "GAON"

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Integrated Korean pop music chart "GAON Music Chart" was launched today by Korea Music Content Industry Association (KMCIA).

"GAON will serve as the official K-pop music chart -- Korea's equivalent of the prestigious U.S. Billboard chart -- to rank singles and albums according to online and offline sales data provided by major web-based music providers (Bugs, Dosirak, Melon, Mnet and Soribada) and record distribution companies (Loen Entertainment, Mnet Media, SM Entertainment, Sony Music, Warner Music and Universal Music).
The chart will take into account over 97 percent of data accumulated from some 20 million subscribers of Korea's paid music services.

Based on the collected data, GAON will release weekly music rankings in the following categories; integrated digital chart, online chart, mobile chart and album chart. Music sales data prior to 2010 will be provided on a monthly basis.

Over 200 music industry officials and K-pop artists gathered at the launching ceremony for GAON, held Tuesday morning at Seoul's The Westin Chosun hotel, to celebrate the birth of the music chart.
"We have been making efforts to protect music creators," said Yu In-chon, Korea's Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, at the event.

"With the rapid growth of the music industry, we have realized the need for a publicly validated music chart. We hope that GAON will serve as a bridge connecting countries, reflect the interests of pop music and ultimately improve the music industry."

The event also featured a small awarding ceremony; female pop group Girls' Generation was selected as the top artist of January while boy band Super Junior took the prize for best album in 2009.

"We are glad to receive a huge award at this fair and prestigious ceremony," idol group Super Junior said. "We would like to share this joy with fans."

In her acceptance speech, Girls' Generation member Taeyeon asked fans to participate in the campaign to eradicate illegal music downloads.

Hit single "We Fell In Love", performed by Jo Kwon of 2AM and Ga-in of Brown Eyed Girls, took the title of best weekly mobile ringtone.

Further details are available on GAON's official website at http://www.gaonchart.co.kr.

Reporter : Kang Seung-hun tarophine@asiae.co.kr
Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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