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Twitter Calendar: Korean celebrities catch Olympics fever

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Still shot of singer and actor Minho wearing a gold medal around his neck during SBS' "For You in Full Blossoms" shooting held at the Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on June 28, 2012. [SM C&C]

Still shot of singer and actor Minho wearing a gold medal around his neck during SBS' "For You in Full Blossoms" shooting held at the Jamsil Stadium in Seoul on June 28, 2012. [SM C&C]

원본보기 아이콘

With the 2012 London Olympics in full swing, Korean celebrities are eagerly showing their support for South Korea's golden run.

Their fans, meanwhile, are busy catching up with their favorite stars chatting about national teams' victory in London.
Here are some new ways to capture the fever in Korea by looking at celebrities' daily tweets regarding the 2012 London Olympics.

Opening day

Lee Teuk's Twitter profile picture [Lee Teuk's official Twitter account]

Lee Teuk's Twitter profile picture [Lee Teuk's official Twitter account]

원본보기 아이콘
Super Junior’s Lee Teuk

"Hey Korean warriors!!! Regardless of the color of a medal we get, your sweat and efforts have already proven yourselves as gold medalists!!!! Thanks for providing us touching moments and hope. Keep it up guys!!!"

South Korea men's soccer team wins over Switzerland

Lee Gi-kwang's Twitter profile picture [Lee Gi-kwang's official Twitter account]

Lee Gi-kwang's Twitter profile picture [Lee Gi-kwang's official Twitter account]

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BEAST’s Lee Gi-kwang

Korean [soccer] players are great. They are all great but to me, it seemes like Koo Ja-cheol (the leader of Korea men’s soccer team) was the best in the field today!!!!!!!! You're awesome!!!!!!!"

South Korea wins gold in women's team archery

Chae Yeon's Twitter profile picture [Chae Yeon's official Twitter account]

Chae Yeon's Twitter profile picture [Chae Yeon's official Twitter account]

원본보기 아이콘
Songstress Chae Yeon

"Thanks to Ki Bo-bae (one of the players in the South Korea women's archery team), I received many mentions from my followers [that the pretty archer Ki looks like me] today. Keep up the spirit^^ If I get a chance, I'll treat you a steak~~ Nannananananassua~ [lyrics from her song 'Two of Us' (translated title)] Anyways, South Korean players are the best~!!"

Judoka Kim Jae-bum grabbed a gold medal in men's under-81㎏ category

Minzy's Twitter profile picture [Minzy's official Twitter account]

Minzy's Twitter profile picture [Minzy's official Twitter account]

원본보기 아이콘
2NE1’s Minzy

"I watched Kim Jae-bum praying when stepping onto the mat and after the game ends, he seems to me like an awesome person. I support you, Kim. Let’s go!!"

Shooter Kim Jang-mi gains gold in women's 25-meter pistol

Park Han-byul's Twitter profile picture [Park Han-byul's official Twitter account]

Park Han-byul's Twitter profile picture [Park Han-byul's official Twitter account]

원본보기 아이콘
Actress Park Han-byul

"I’m pretty busy watching TV, clapping my hands and screaming. I'm enjoying the London Olympics by myself. Handball, archery, judo, fencing, swimming and so on... Korean athletes are great~~♡ I’m cheering for you guys!! Keep it up!!"

Ki Bo-bae grabs gold in women's individual archery

2PM's Jo Kwon uploaded a photo onto his Twitter acount on August 2, showing the singer eating Korean street foods and watching the London Olympic games in his car. [Jo Kwon's official Twitter account]

2PM's Jo Kwon uploaded a photo onto his Twitter acount on August 2, showing the singer eating Korean street foods and watching the London Olympic games in his car. [Jo Kwon's official Twitter account]

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2AM’s Jo Kwon

"[I've prepared all this] To watch the Olympics and cool off the summer heat... and most of all, to fill up my stomach. In the car, I’m about to eat tteokbokki [Korean rice cakes in hot sauce], sundae [Korean kishke], fried dishes, strawberry sherbet and ice cream."

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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