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[INTERVIEW] Bae Suzy : I just want to throw a banana whenever I spot one

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Bae Suzy [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Bae Suzy [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

"I'm curious about what others are thinking"

The biggest worries that Suzy has nowadays is entering college and her major. Unlike other idol singers that usually decide to major in acting or music, Suzy is interested in psychology. "Whenever I look at someone, I'm curious what that person is thinking, like why that person would say or do things in a certain manner. It seems fun and I want to dig deep into it and find out about it. I think that is why I usually buy a lot of books about psychology whenever I go to book stores. But I'm usually disappointed after reading them because it leaves out all the fun parts, like how to notice when a person lies or what that person is thinking. Information like that is left out in the books!" When she was suggested to watch the American TV series "Lie To Me," she opened her eyes widely and said "What? 'Lie To Me?' Wow, I must watch it!" Watching her quickly writing the drama's name down on her smart phone, it made the interviewers imagine a pretty-looking criminal psychologist in 20 years from now on.
"I just want to throw a banana whenever I spot one"

Going on a diet is a required course rather than a choice for anyone in a girl group. They always have to show their perfect figures on stage and they never know when someone is going to take a candid picture and post it on the Internet. Even though for Suzy, who looks great in any kind of outfits that shows off her long legs, isn't free from that worries. Here comes Suzy's secret in diet, while she was once called a 'binge eating-dol (binge eating+idol)' for her good appetite. "I really like eating. I don't like eating vegetables but enjoy foods like pasta. So if I just start controlling what I eat, I lose weight quite easily. For example, I eat a heavy breakfast and lunch, and have a banana for dinner, plus a work out at night. Sometimes, I ate a lot for breakfast, eat a banana for lunch, grab something for dinner and exercise. It was going well when I was losing weight but nowadays, it's getting kind of hard to control myself. Because I had bananas for dinner every day, my manager misunderstood by thinking that I like bananas. So he kept buying me bananas for dinner! Oh, it's not that! I just want to throw a banana whenever I spot one!"

"I want to shoot a commercial for ramen with a pure image"
When miss A was promoting their song "Bad Girl Good Girl" in 2010, miss A members seemed obsessed with eating ramen. Her favorite brand is Nong Shim's Neoguri. When asked if she still wants to shoot a commercial for a ramen, her enthusiasm in the interview reached the peak and said "Of course! I want to shoot a commercial for a ramen! I would love to do that. Especially for Neoguri! I can be all pretty with an innocent image. Racoons (Neoguri's meaning in English) can have an innocent image, right? A long-haired racoon!"

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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