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[INTERVIEW] B.A.P Young-jae, Dae-hyun

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Interview with boy band B.A.P

B.A.P member Young-jae [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

B.A.P member Young-jae [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

My name is Young-jae.
I was born on January 24, 1994. I have a 27-year-old brother who is seven years older than me. My brother and I have a similar personality.
I sang a song by SG Wannabe at a talent show in my school in the presence of the actual singers. I wanted to become a singer after seeing their reactions to my singing. Of course, I was somehow shaped into a popular figure once I came off the stage......I became a star. (laugh) Dae-hyun, do you know how that feels?
Yong-guk was doing his activities with Secret's Song Ji-eun for her song "Going Crazy" when I first entered our agency. Honestly, I only remember seeing Song because she looked so beautiful and I thought that Yong-guk looked scary. (laugh) It was quite hard approaching Yong-guk and took a while to become close with him.
Yong-guk is the type of person who doesn't care about other people if he's not interested in them. He didn't show much interest in me...(laugh) (Yong-guk: No, I did care about Young-jae. It's just that he might have felt that way since I didn't express my feelings much.) At the time, Yong-guk was only interested in making music to the extent that he only stayed in the studio in our dorm. He slowly began to hang out in the living room after becoming close with the other members.
I kept asking questions to other members when I was trying to figure out the design for my signature. But no one responded to my question because they were busy with their own. I finally finished designing it after doing it alone and it's still lacking something. Ha......I feel bad to the fans whenever they ask for my autograph because it feels like something is missing.
I figured out a secret in cleaning off the eyeliner because we wear heavy eye makeup all the time. I divided it into three steps. You first wash your face with oil-type cleanser and wipe it off using a cleansing swab. Then you have to use the eye makeup remover again and place a cotton swab between your eyes. Finally, rub your eye with both hands and it all comes off.
I constantly butt heads with Dae-hyun when choosing what to eat. Let's say, if I want Korean food and Dae-hyun wants Chinese food, we also ways turn to ask Zelo and Jong-up to decide the menu. And we agree on what to it depending on the vote.
I think Zelo was the only member that was the best in pulling off the concept for our song "Warrior." It might have been hard for him to do so because he has a cute image as the youngest member but he expressed the devil living in the warrior pretty well.
I think I have to figure out what aliens like, in order to take over the universe. Jong-up would probably be the most popular member to the aliens. He's the most alien-like member. (laugh)
B.A.P member Dae-hyun [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

B.A.P member Dae-hyun [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

My name is Dae-hyun.
My birthday is June 28, 1993. I have a brother who is three years older than me. He has a curt personality so he doesn't really care which celebrities I meet but we do keep in touch to catch up on things.
When my family watches baseball games, my father cheers for Kia Tigers and my mother cheers for the Lotte Giants. Though I do like watching baseball games, I just give up watching it because I don't want to be in the middle of their argument over which team is better.
I didn't give any thought about becoming a singer. I was just a kid who likes music. That gave me the chance to learn more about music so I transferred to a high school that specialized in music. My interest in music grew even more after I entered several contests held in the city. I realized how great it felt to be on stage whenever I saw the audience clap and cheer me on.
I was the last member to join B.A.P. I spent two years as a trainee and practiced with the group for about seven months. I didn't experience any difficulties when I first joined the group because there was Young-jae who is the same age as me and other younger members. I especially became close with Jong-up because he taught me how to dance.
Young-jae's way of erasing the eye makeup is a stupid way. I'm more thorough with washing my face because I have a bad skin. I first use a cleansing tissue to wipe my face and then the oil-based cleanser to wash it off again. And finally, I rinse my face with a soap and apply some lotion afterwards. Ha...I never imagined that I would have such trouble with cleansing makeups before I made my debut.
We recently held an autograph session and this one fan told me that she brought me a candy that is as big as my body. I doubted for a second if that was true but it turned out it was really the size of my body. It's a bit too much for me to take a bite because once I start eating I will have to eat the whole thing. (Yong-guk: I don't think he knows that he can break it apart.) I'm afraid it will melt. (laugh)
As much as I feel comfortable talking using the Seoul dialect, I still have fun using my regional dialect. It naturally comes out whenever I'm with Young-jae or other younger members because I'm comfortable with them. (Him-chan: He uses it whenever he loses his coll like when we don't eat. / Jong-up: It's gotten a lot better now.)
I would like to go to the beach if we are given free time. I grew up watching the sea because my hometown is in Busan. I have never went back to see it after moving to Seoul. My house was near the Busan Sajik Baseball Stadium, which is quite far from the sea, but I was still able to smell the sea because my academy was near Haeundae.
I really want to appear on a serious talk show someday. I think that will give me a chance to talk about a number of things. (Young-jae: How about the music show with Yoo Young-jae? / Him-chan: "The Oprah Winfrey Show?") I would be honored.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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