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On the set of tvN TV series "Cool Guys, Hot Ramen"

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From left, actors Jung Il-woo, Park Min-wo, Cho Yoon-woo and Lee Ki-woo take part in a shoot for tvN TV series "Cool Ramen, Hot Guys" held in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on December 9, 2011. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

From left, actors Jung Il-woo, Park Min-wo, Cho Yoon-woo and Lee Ki-woo take part in a shoot for tvN TV series "Cool Ramen, Hot Guys" held in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea on December 9, 2011. [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

Christmas came early on a set in Paju of Korea's Gyeonggi Province on the morning of December 9. There are actually enough days left till Christmas that you need more than one set of hands to count the exact number but there was already a huge tree in the living room of Eun-bi's (Lee Chung-ah) house in tvN's TV series "Cool Guys, Hot Ramen." And maybe it was from the excitement from it but although it was so cold on set that one's toes could freeze, the mood among the show's crew and actors was amicable throughout. Not a single person sulked even when new actors Park Min-woo (as Kim Ba-ul) and Cho Yoon-woo (as Woo Hyun-woo) made mistakes because they were nervous. Director Jung Jung-hwa rather led the shoot by saying, "Okay Ba-ul, pull yourself together and we'll try it again" when Park Min-woo momentarily forgot his lines or by giving gentle directions such as, "Hyun-woo, hang some tree ornaments on Ba-ul's neck and then step back." And the effect of such tender teaching showed when they pulled off ad-libs without getting cold feet.

On the other hand, the actors with more experience were more active in creating their scenes. Lee Chung-ah, who had nonchalantly been shaking a small bell every take, ran to the scripter when she had a moment to spare and coquettishly asked, "I really didn't want to ask you this but I will. Guess when you think I hung this (tree ornament) on my neck." Lee Ki-woo (as Choi Kang-hyuk) went ahead with checking up on when he should hang his sock on the Christmas tree and Jung Il-woo (as Cha Chi-soo) too came up with reactions not on the script. In particular, the way in which he explained to Park Min-woo, "Ba-ul, this is when you should smell her (Eun-bi) hair. And then say, 'Ah the smell,'" was kind and detailed enough to make it difficult for the onlooker to picture him as the immature heir to a conglomerate family from the show. And when the tree tilted to one side as if ready to fall, all let out an exclamation which lasted briefly and was followed by burst of laughter. Check out what happened this day for episode 15 of the show set to go on air on December 19.

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