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Jang Keun-suk models for photo gallery exhibition

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Hallyu star Jang Keun-suk's eyes were featured for a photo gallery exhibition yesterday, according to his agency Tree J. Company on Friday.

Tree J. announced in a press release that Jang participated in an exhibition by famed Korean photographer Jo Se-hyun titled "Beautiful Eyes" which was hosted by Estee Lauder.
Jo's exhibit focused on the concept of 'a person's story is told with their eyes and that a person will look beautiful if he/she has a beautiful gaze.'

"It was a privilege to have worked with Jo Se-hyun because I have always admired him," Jang was quoted as saying. "My job is to express my emotions in front of the camera lens and I really liked the theme."

The actor added that he enjoyed working on this project because he was able to show his natural side outside of his work.
"Beautiful Eyes," which took place at the Interalia art gallery located in Gangnam-gu in south of Seoul, featured other photographs of celebrities including Park Ye-jin, Bae Jong-ok, Jang Mi-hee, announcer Jung Eun-ah, vocalist Jo Sumi, golfer Choi Kyoung-ju and humanitarian Han Bi-ya.

Proceeds from the exhibit will be donated to the international humanitarian organization World Vision for the less fortunate children in the world.

Jang, 23, made his debut into the entertainment industry at the early age of five as a catalog model. His most notable appearances were in MBC sitcom "Nonstop 4" (2003) and MBC's "Beethoven Virus" (2008).

He shot to stardom through Asia last year after playing the role of an eccentric lead singer of idol group A.N.JELL in the hit SBS' series "Minamishineyo" alongside actress Park Shin-hye.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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