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Lee Seung-gi Gets 2nd Crown, TVXQ! Back to Top on Gaon Charts

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Singer-actor Lee Seung-gi poses in the key image of his 2012 mini-album "Forest," dropped on November 22, 2012. [Hook Entertainment]

Singer-actor Lee Seung-gi poses in the key image of his 2012 mini-album "Forest," dropped on November 22, 2012. [Hook Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Pop singer-actor Lee Seung-gi was overjoyed with his second trophy on Gaon Singles chart while male duo TVXQ! was crowned again on Gaon Album chart last week.

Lee topped the chart during the week of November 25 to December 1, with his new ballad “Return,” the title track of his new mini-album “Forest” dropped on November 22.
The singer, famous for his cute smile, has been praised by critics and the public alike for his expressive delivery of songs, produced by acclaimed indie musician Epiton Project, securing even more female fans.

Sitting at No. 2 is the witty acoustic tune, “Don’t Cross Your Leg” by Akdong Musician, one of the most popular contestants of the SBS singing competition show, “KPOP STAR 2.”

The brother-sister duo charmed viewers with their fresh talent with their self-made tune and shot to the next round in the popular TV show’s second season.
Boy band BEAST’s lead vocal Yoseob debuted at the third spot with his first solo song “Caffeine,” the title track from his first mini-album “The First Collage” rolled out on November 26.

While YG Entertainment’s soulful princess Lee Hi landed at No. 4 with the doleful “Scarecrow,” while FNC Entertainment’s solo artist Juniel rounded out the top five with “Bad Man,” the title rock ballad listed in her second mini-album “1&1.”

Other popular songs which kept K-pop fans happy were male solo artist Roy Kim’s “Passing By” as well as “October Rain,” Lee Hi’s debut tune “1, 2, 3, 4,” male quintet Noel’s “Time For Love” and “Sick” by musician-comedian duo Ddung’s.

Over on the album chart, top K-pop group TVXQ! reclaimed their crown with their sixth repackaged album “Humanoids,” a renewed version of the original record “Catch Me”. The new version has two additional songs.

Yoseob of BEAST landed at No. 2 with the first collaborative album with his labelmate Yong Joon-hyung while Sung-kyu of INFINITE followed next with “Another Me,” the debut mini-album with the title track, “60 Sec.”

TVXQ! members Max Changmin (left) and U-Know Yunho (right) pose together for the cover image of their sixth repackaged album "Humanoids," rolled out on November 26, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

TVXQ! members Max Changmin (left) and U-Know Yunho (right) pose together for the cover image of their sixth repackaged album "Humanoids," rolled out on November 26, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

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