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[PHOTO] Korean Film Boys Enjoy "Dangerous Liaisons" at VIP Preview

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Actor Lee Byung-hun stands in front of local reporters at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Lee Byung-hun stands in front of local reporters at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Popular male celebrities and filmmakers showed up at a VIP preview for director Hur Jin-ho's "Dangerous Liaisons" this week.

Actors Lee Byung-hun, Yoo Ji-tae, Yoon Kye-sang, Han Jae-seok, Lee Jong-hyuk, Lee Tae-sung, Ohn Joo-wan, directors Park Chan-wook and Lee Jun-ik attended the pic's preview held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on Wednesday.
Set in Shanghai's 1930s, "Dangerous Liaisons" tells the story of a chartered libertine named Xie Yifan [played by Jang Dong-gun] who makes a bet with Mo Jieyu [played by Cecilia Cheung], the city’s wealthy femme fatale businesswoman. The two lay a bet on whether he is able to tempt a widow named Du Fenyu [played by Zhang Ziyi].

After being invited to several international film festivals this year, the 110-minute melodrama hit local theaters October 11.

Actor Yoo Ji-tae poses in front of local reporters at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Yoo Ji-tae poses in front of local reporters at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘
Actor Yoon Kye-sang poses in front of the camera at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Yoon Kye-sang poses in front of the camera at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Actor Han Jae-seok stands in front of local reporters at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Han Jae-seok stands in front of local reporters at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Actor Lee Jong-hyuk waves his hands in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Lee Jong-hyuk waves his hands in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Actor Lee Tae-sung stands in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Lee Tae-sung stands in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Actor Ohn Joo-wan waves his hands in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Actor Ohn Joo-wan waves his hands in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Director Lee Jun-ik poses in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Director Lee Jun-ik poses in front of cameras at a VIP preview for "Dangerous Liaisons," held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

Auteur Park Chan-wook comes out from the VIP preview of "Dangerous Liaisons" held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

Auteur Park Chan-wook comes out from the VIP preview of "Dangerous Liaisons" held at the Yeouido CGV theater in Seoul on October 10, 2012. [Daisy Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

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