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Naul, TVXQ! Keep Lock on No. 1 on Gaon Charts

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Cover shot of singer Naul's first solo studio album "Principle of My Soul," dropped on September 20, 2012. [Santa Music]

Cover shot of singer Naul's first solo studio album "Principle of My Soul," dropped on September 20, 2012. [Santa Music]

원본보기 아이콘

Korea’s R&B vocalist Naul has conquered the local music scene with his dramatic tune “Memory of the Wind.”

Naul nabbed his third straight win with "Memory of the Wind" during the week of September 30 to October 6.
The R&B single is the title track off his first solo album, "Principle of My Soul," released on September 20. The singer's soulful voice have been widely praised since he debuted as a member of the Korean R&B duo Brown Eyes in 2001.

Following the chart-topper is veteran singer Lee Seung-chul’s “Amateur,” which was inspired by the passion of the contestants on Mnet’s ongoing music survival program “Superstar K4.”

Due to Lee skyrocketing to No. 2, G-Dragon's "Missing You" was pushed down to No. 4 while "Crayon" maintained its No. 3 spot.
Meanwhile, Seo In-guk and A Pink Eunji’s duet song “All For You,” a single listed in the soundtrack to tvN’s hit TV series “Respond 1997,” rounded out the top five last week.

Other popular K-pop songs in the top ten include Orange Caramel’s “LIPSTICK,” crooner The One’s “Do You Know,” Brown Eyed Girls member Ga-in’s “Bloom,” Secret’s “POISON” and JYJ member XIA’s “Love Is Like A Snowflake.”

On Gaon album chart, K-pop sensation TVXQ! has stretched its winning streak for two consecutive weeks with their seventh full-length album “Catch Me.”

While the duo held tight to the top spot, G-Dragon landed at No. 2 with “One of a Kind” and Naul ranked at No. 3 with “Principle of My Soul” in the same time frame.

TVXQ! members Max Changmin (left) and U-Know Yunho (right) pose in simple black and wine-colored suits in a photo released for the duo's sixth album "Catch Me," dropped on September 24, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

TVXQ! members Max Changmin (left) and U-Know Yunho (right) pose in simple black and wine-colored suits in a photo released for the duo's sixth album "Catch Me," dropped on September 24, 2012. [SM Entertainment]

원본보기 아이콘

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