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Taeyang, Daesung Say They "Moved in With Seungri as Watchdogs"

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Big Bang members G-Dragon, Daesung and Taeyang laugh together while chatting during the live streaming of "GD FRIENDS LIVE WORLDWIDE" at YG Entertainment's office in Seoul, South Korea, on September 25, 2012. [Naver]

Big Bang members G-Dragon, Daesung and Taeyang laugh together while chatting during the live streaming of "GD FRIENDS LIVE WORLDWIDE" at YG Entertainment's office in Seoul, South Korea, on September 25, 2012. [Naver]

원본보기 아이콘

Taeyang and Daesung of boy band Big Bang said they have moved in with Seungri in the same building with G-Dragon.

Taeyang and Daesung, who used to live under the same roof by themselves, confessed during the live streaming of Naver's "GD FRIENDS LIVE WORLDWIDE" Tuesday that the pair moved in with Seungri yesterday as watchdogs.
"Me and Daesung used to live by ourselves but we just moved to a bigger house to guide Seungri to walk in the right path," Taeyang said jokingly, referring to a number of scandals that Seungri has gotten himself into in the last few weeks.

The boys said in one voice that they are very excited to be living in the same building and they cannot tell whether it is a home or an office, now that they are together day and night.

Though throwing a small joke about the "Strong Baby" singer, the trio mentioned Seungri's name saying they all miss him and believe the scandals were good opportunities for him to look back on himself and to mature.
"GD FRIENDS LIVE WORLDWIDE" was a live online event held by Korea's portal Naver on Tuesday at 10 p.m. KST.

With the help of Daesung and Taeyang, the "CRAYON" artist hosted the hour-long show and wrapped up the event by performing "TODAY" and "MISSING YOU," the songs listed in his first mini-album "ONE OF A KIND."

For the singer's first live performance of the tracks, solo artist Lydia sang next to G-Dragon for "MISSING YOU," filling up the empty space of Jaurim's lead vocalist Kim Yuna.

In the meantime, the music videos for "ONE OF A KIND" and "CRAYON" have each reached over 13.5 million and 6.6 million views in less than a month of release on YouTube as of Tuesday.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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