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Kong Hyo-jin, Ryoo Seung-bum breaks off 10-year relationship

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Actress Kong Hyo-jin (left) and actor Ryoo Seung-bum (right) during the trip to Paris, France. [Ryoo Seung-bum's official Cyworld]

Actress Kong Hyo-jin (left) and actor Ryoo Seung-bum (right) during the trip to Paris, France. [Ryoo Seung-bum's official Cyworld]

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Korean fashion savvy couple actress Gong Hyo-jin and actor Ryoo Seung-bum have called it quits, ending their ten-year relationship.

Their agency, Soop Entertainment, announced in a press release Wednesday stating that the Kong and Ryoo broke off their relationship in April and decided to remain as friends.
In early 2002, Kong and Ryoo became friends and maintained a professional relationship after co-starring in SBS' TV series "Wonderful Days." Their relationship soon blossomed and they have been dating under the watchful eye of the public for the past ten years.

"Till their breakup, both parties have spent time discussing their relationship as well as taking time alone, while going through some difficulties during that period. The pair was hesitant and felt pressure in coming out to the public about their breakup," the press release explained.

"After much thought and contemplation, Kong and Ryoo have decided to come forward to the public and reveal their breakup. We extend our apologies and thank those who have supported both actors, while we will continue to show our support and provide our fullest for their future endeavors."
Soop then added that they ask the public to respect both actors’ privacy regarding their breakup and continue to support their upcoming activities.

Kong made her debut in the 1999 horror pic "Memento Mori" and has since appeared in numerous television dramas and films.

Some of her most notable works include dramas "Ruler of Your Own World" (MBC, 2002), "Sang Doo! Let's Go To School" (KBS, 2003) and film "Conduct Zero," which co-starred Ryoo. She also starred in the 2010 MBC hit series "Pasta" and starred in MBC's "The Greatest Love" last year.

Ryoo, who made his debut in 2000 through the movie "Die Bad," is known for playing a wide variety of characters. He has since starred in "Arahan Jangpung Daejakjeon," (2004) "Crying Fist," (2005) "The Beast and the Beauty," (2005) "The Unjust" (2010) and "Suicide Forecast" (2011).

He is currently shooting the film "Perfect Love" (translated title) opposite actress Lee Yo-won.

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