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[INTERVIEW] Actress Han Hyo-joo - Part 2

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Han Hyo-joo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Han Hyo-joo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

<#10LOGO#> You'll really start building on your movie career now but there actually aren't that many roles for actresses to play so what sort of roles do you think you'd want to play from the choices that you have?
Han Hyo-joo:
I think there are more opportunities to change your image in movies than dramas and it's also easier to. It's better to take on the villain in movies, since they have their reasons and are attractive, rather than just be the plain mean person in dramas. So I'd like to continue to play cheerful characters in dramas.

<#10LOGO#> Does that mean you'd like to split your image into two?
That would be nice. I'd like to show a different side to me through movies.
<#10LOGO#> Is the reason you want to maintain your image from TVs because you want to or because of the expectations the public has of you?
I think it's both. The best thing about "Shining Inheritance" and "Dong Yi" was that my acting gave people strength. And that was exhilarating for me. All I did was act but those characters had a positive influence on people. People that I don't know thanked me and said they were having fun watching the show so it made me think that I should at least repay them with my acting.

<#10LOGO#> What else did you gain as an actor in "Dong Yi"?
I gained a good image thanks to the positive energy that Dong-yi had and was able to become recognized by people in various age groups. But the biggest thing I gained was the friendship of actors that were in "Dong Yi." I still keep in touch with them and we monitor each other's works when we start on new projects. Yet as much as I've gained, there was also a lot I had to endure. I think I experienced every experience possible that needs to be handled differently. And in that process, I learned patience and persistence. It was a project that was worth pouring my year into.

<#10LOGO#> I'm sure that your looks which go well with your beaming smile helped you build on that image but I think that strength of yours could also serve as a limitation for doing movies.
I'd been told that I'm not distinct enough but after doing this movie, I was told that they finally see who I am. I think I'll be able to ease into different characters more easily by looking plain than trying to change my outer appearance. I think there'll be more faces like me over time.
Han Hyo-joo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Han Hyo-joo [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘
<#10LOGO#> It doesn't seem like you're that worried about it. [laughs]
What can I do about it, it's my face. [laughs] My face won't change.

<#10LOGO#> I felt this from when you were on stage at the Grand Mind Festival (GMF) last year and feel it now while talking to you but it seems like you're someone who naturally has a cheerful vibe about you. And I think that rubs off onto your characters. Where do you get such energy?
I received a lot of love from my parents. [laughs] It's easy for people to become negative when they're placed between a positive and negative choice because human beings are weak and waver easily. I too am close to being negative but I make a fair amount of effort to be positive.

<#10LOGO#> Aren't there times that it gets tiring to be like that?
There are but I still believe one needs to live with a positive mindset. I believe in the power of positivity.

<#10LOGO#> Well not much has been revealed about that life of yours that you live so positively. You're an actor who draws the line between your work and personal life. Is there a particular reason for this?
I didn't intend on it but things just turned out that way. I really live a very ordinary life. I like to cook so I cook at home, I read and go on walks. I think actors look their best within their projects and I'm going to be acting for a long time and transform many times so what would there be for me to show people if I revealed my personal life as well? [laughs] I'd like to surprise people by showing them a side to me that is already there but that the public doesn't know of.

<#10LOGO#> And I think that first surprise came through "Always." How do you want to spend the remaining half of your twenties? You've reached that point in your career where it's time for you to show something as an actress.
I have a wider range of choices to choose from which means there's that much more for me to do. I've shown so little to me so far that I think the path for me to show a variety of sides to me has now opened up. That's why I'm really looking forward to what'll happen from now on and I think I'll be having more fun.

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<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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