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[INTERVIEW] Singer and actress Ham Eunjung

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Ham Eunjung [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

Ham Eunjung [Lee Jin-hyuk/10Asia]

원본보기 아이콘

My name is Ham Eunjung.
I was born on December 12, 1988. And I'm an only child. I think that's why I'm probably like best friends with my mom.
The closest friend I made after becoming a celebrity is member Gyu-lee of girl group KARA. She someone that makes me lower my guard. And I become happy even by just hanging out with her, even when we don't talk about a lot of things. It'll also feel like we've met yesterday when we've actually met for the first time in a while. We have similar sentimentalities and taste so we even like the same directors. The people I invited first to the premiere for my film "White" was the members of my group and Gyu-lee. I'm going to sleep over at her house soon. I can't forget to take my pajamas!
Filming for "Coffee House" and "White" overlapped so my schedule was the busiest at that time. I couldn't drink at the wrapup party for "Coffee House" either because I had to shoot "White" the next day. Even when I'm legally allowed to drink.
Life as a member of a girl group is actually different from how it's portrayed in "White." Everyone is considerate each other because we have to live together. It's actually weird if you act greedy. And we never fight over clothes. Even if a part I want to sing goes to someone else, it did because it works out best for us.
I don't get angry a lot and I'm easy going so I tend to laugh off things. I'll become very dramatic once I do get mad though. I'll be on fire and act however I feel, not thinking of what'll happen after that. That's why it takes a lot to get to that point. Of course, I also cool off very quickly too.
I first started acting because my mom suggested it. She said she had a great precognitive dream about me when she was pregnant with me although she still hasn't told me what it was about. For the time being, she's faked that she picked up jewels by a beach. (laugh) When I was young, my dream was to become things like a nurse, ballerina and teacher but my mother took me to the Little Miss Korea pageant. And that's when I started doing what I'm doing, unaware of what I was getting myself into.
My dream was to become an action star after watching "Charlie's Angels." The acting by Lucy Liu, Cameron Diaz and Drew Barrymore seemed so cool. So I started learning taekwondo, thinking I want to become like them. And I asked to be taught because I'm going to become an action star. Thanks to it, I grew a lot and became very flexible. But the physical strength I've accumulated by learning taekwondo hasn't helped at all with my activities as a singer. I sleep the most.
My character in TV series "The Land" was someone who sang pansori, but I actually hadn't learned how to sing it before I was cast for the show. I think my singing ability at the time was at the point where I got full marks folk songs? (laugh) I just confidently said, "I'll learn it. I know I can," which made the judges for the audition laugh and they gave me the part. I think I gained a lot of things from getting that role.
After making my debut, I had thought I'm ugly. But it was while filming movie "Ice Bar" that CEO Shim Jae-myung said to me, "Eunjung, you don't have a pretty face but one that looks very pretty." And he added that I'll be able to play a variety of roles, like actress Jeon Do-youn. I think that's when I stopped being scared. I may look dull but I can transform with my hair and make-up getting done so I became brave after that.
I was called a fashion terrorist when I first debuted but I think that was a transitional period for me in terms of style. I think I'm the type that improves over time and as I age more. (laugh) I'm also thinking of growing out my hair because I've kept it short for almost a year and a half. I feel like I should present people with a new style and some people see me as an anchorwoman because of my hair.
The most meaningful song to me amongst T-ara's songs is "Crazy Because of You."The people who cast me for "White" and other films and dramas said they saw a new side to me when I performed this song. I was told I was cast for "Dream High" after seeing our performance for "Crazy Because of You" because producers thought I would suit the role of Baek-hee who transforms.
One of the strengths that T-ara has is that everybody has great sense, to the point that we'll pull off a commercial even if we're handed the storyboard for it on the day of the shoot. Soyeon and Hyomin are good on entertainment shows, Jiyeon is an emcee and even Qri and Borm know how to say everything they need to.

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Reporter : Yoon Hee-Seong nine@
Photographer : Lee Jin-hyuk eleven@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@, Lee Ji-Hye seven@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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