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New drama starring Kim Suna holds first script reading

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The first script-reading session for upcoming SBS weekend drama tentatively titled "Scent of a Woman" held in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. [EM.COM]

The first script-reading session for upcoming SBS weekend drama tentatively titled "Scent of a Woman" held in Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. [EM.COM]

원본보기 아이콘

The first script reading for an upcoming SBS drama took place early last week, informed the drama’s promoter EM.COM on Tuesday.

A press release by EM.COM showed photographs of the first script reading for the new drama tentatively titled “Scent Of A Woman” starring Kim Suna, Lee Dong-wook, Um Ki-joon and Seo Hyo-rim, which took place at SBS Tanhyeon Production Center in the Gyeonggi Province on June 7.
In the show, Seo plays a cold-hearted heiress who later becomes Kim's rival and according to the script, will soon be confronting her in the scene involving cursing and slapping.

Kim, meanwhile, was complimented for pulling off her lines of which quite a few were written in English due to her role as a female employee at a travel agency.

Scenarist Noh Ji-seol took part in the reading as well, temporarily taking the place of some of the supporting actors who were unable to participate in the session.
“People were able to open up to each other more through the script reading and that felt like a good sign for the drama,” an official on the production team of the drama was quoted as saying in the statement.

“Scent of A Woman” which will be Kim’s first small screen project in two years, is a romantic comedy with the lesson that happiness in not far away, and is set to go on air on July 16, right after ongoing weekend drama “New Gisaeng Story” finishes its run.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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