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“Midas,” “The Duo” stay co-winners on primetime slot

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SBS drama "Midas" [SBS]

SBS drama "Midas" [SBS]

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SBS drama “Midas” was named a winner on the Mondays and Tuesdays primetime slot, according to data by Total National Multimedia Statistics’ (TNmS), while MBC's "The Duo" claimed the winning title on a survey by AGB Nielsen Media on Wednesday.

On TNmS' chart, "Midas" came out at the top after posting an average viewership rating of 13 percent while MBC's historical drama “The Duo” settled at No. 2 with an average viewership rating of 12.9 percent.
In contrast, AGB Nielsen Media Research (AGB) showed that “The Duo” was the champion of the week with an average viewership rating of 15.8 percent, closely pursued by “Midas” that posted a score of 15.7 percent.

“Midas,” a 21-part drama starring Jang Hyuk, Kim Hee-ae and Lee Min-jung which told about a money war between a conglomerate family and a genius lawyer while portraying the world which is fierce with competition in the financial world, ended its run yesterday.

The final episode showed the reconciliation between Kim Do-hyun (played by Jang) and Yoo In-hye (Kim Hee-ae), once-partners who turned into bitter rivals after a betrayal. Two years later, In-hye is seen starting anew by changing her firm into starting a turnaround fund which tries to help struggling companies while Do-hyun opens a charity fund.
Starting from next week, a romantic comedy named “Lie To Me” (working title) starring Yoon Eun-hye, Kang Ji-hwan, Park Ji-yoon and Cho Youn-hee, about a single woman who gets entangled in a marriage scandal that started out with a single lie, will go on air.

Meanwhile, new KBS drama “Youthful Beauty” which kicked off this week, trailed far behind its two competitors, marking 6.3 percent and 6.2 percent on TNmS’ and AGB's charts, respectively.

The drama starring Jang Nara, Choi Daniel, Oh Yeon-seo and Ryu Jin is about a story of a 34-year-old single woman who fakes her age in order to get a job at a textile company and meets a much younger guy than her who falls in love with her.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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