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[PREVIEW] MBC every1 TV series "Dramatic"

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Jay Park [MBC every1]

Jay Park [MBC every1]

원본보기 아이콘
MBC every1 12 p.m.
It was like a drama without a script. That was, up until the first episode of star documentary “Dramatic” went on air. Then what was shown after all the confusion and chaos, turned out to be a show lacking a script. The camera was busy trying to show Jay Park practicing his B-boy dance moves, playing bowling, eating his meat and shooting a music video but not did it succeed in penetrating at all into what lies under that surface. Showing him dancing and showing the meaning to his dancing are two completely different things. The camera was just staring at Park while he practiced difficult tumbling techniques over and over again, as if a member of the audience saying “Wow, he’s good.” As if they had noticed how flat the scene was, the producers added in captions to the screen saying, “Jay Park is very strict on himself.” But it would have been much better if they asked him what it means to make a mistake at this point in his life and why he cannot bear not going all out.

The problem may have been that the ingredients they collected were weak from the limitations cable TV productions have. Not that it would be an excuse for the lack of its quality, but even if it admitted this, it is a problem that they did a poor job with what they did have. Seriously, what were they trying to get at by inserting the narration, “Jay Park, give yourself a break when things don't go the way you want them to” when he is gleaming with the desire to win a bowling game or admiring that his appetite is that of a Korean's from the way he enjoys Korean meat and bean paste soup? The dramatic elements within one's daily life is brought out when each of those pieces are woven into a story, not by making a big deal out of nothing or showing certain scenes in slow motion. Fortunately, Park's smile was bright and thanks to that, the 50 minutes of the show may have been like a dream for fans. If that was what the show was aiming for, then yesterday was a success. Although that does not change the fact that it was weak one.

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Reporter : Wee Geun-woo eight@
Editor : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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