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“Black Swan” leaps high on box office chart

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Black Swan [Paramount Pictures]

Black Swan [Paramount Pictures]

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Psychological thriller “Black Swan” starring Natalie Portman came out the winner on the latest weekend box office, according to the estimates by the Korean Box Office Information System (KOBIS) on Monday.

“Black Swan,” about a talented ballerina who goes through extreme ends to play a vicious black swan on the stage, drew in 289,818 viewers at a total 417 theaters nationwide from March 4 to 6, rising a slot from its position at No. 2 on the chart the previous weekend.
“The Adjustment Bureau," a romantic science fiction which debuted last Thursday in 440 theaters, took second place on the chart after attracting 191,156 movie-goers during the past three days.

The film starring Matt Damon, Natalie Carter and Jon Stewart tells about a man fighting for his fate -- personified by a group of mysterious men in black -- to realize his true love and choose his own path.

American animation “Rango” that also opened last Thursday, came in at third, after bringing in 174,434 viewers from Friday to Sunday.
Starring Johnny Depp, Isla Fisher and Abigail Breslin as its voice actors, the story which is set in the old western town of Nevada features personified desert animals including Rango the chameleon, Beans a desert iguana, and Priscilla a cactus mouse fighting for their water reserves stolen by robbers composed of moles and prairie dogs.

Other films on the chart for the top 10 included “Late Blossom,” “Children…,” “I Am Number Four,” “Detective K: Secret of Virtuous Widow,” “Tangled,” “Come Rain, Come Shine” and “Unknown.”

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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