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Big Bang's Daesung to reveal his solo track at upcoming concert

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Big Bang member Daesung [Big Bang's official website]

Big Bang member Daesung [Big Bang's official website]

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Korean idol Daesung from boy band Big Bang will reveal his solo song at the group's upcoming concert this month.

"Daesung has been working on his solo track for a while now and he plans to unveil it at their annual '2011 BIG SHOW' at the end of the month," a PR official from YG Entertainment told 10Asia over the phone on Monday.
She stated however that Daesung will focus on promoting Big Bang's upcoming mini-album and they have yet to decide on when Daesung will take up activities as a solo for the song.

Meanwhile, Big Bang, currently gearing up for their return to the local music scene, have released 12-second long teaser videos of each member with one line from their title track "TONIGHT" on YG Entertainment's official blog (http://www.yg-life.com/) since Saturday.

The PR official explained that the agency will release the other teaser videos for members T.O.P and Daesung before their fourth mini-album goes on sale on February 24.
The boys are also preparing for their annual "2011 BIG SHOW" to be held at the Gymnastics Stadium of the Olympic Park in Seoul from February 25 to 27, while Korean broadcasting company SBS will also air an hour-long special show titled "Big Bang Comeback Show" on the last day of their concert.

Big Bang was discovered and trained by major talenthouse YG Entertainment. They made their debut in 2006 and has since released a number of albums and hit songs such as "With U," "Lies" and "Haru Haru."

In the summer of 2009, Big Bang successfully crossed over into the Japanese music market with their debut single "My Heaven" which reached No. 3 on the prestigious Oricon daily singles chart and toured three cities in the country which attracted a total of 60,000 fans.

They also performed on the main stage at the Summer Sonic Festival in August last year, while the boys will embark on their concert tour titled "Love & Pain Tour" in Japan starting in May.

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Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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