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“Dream High” triumphs on TV chart for 5th week

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KBS TV series "Dream High" [KBS]

KBS TV series "Dream High" [KBS]

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KBS drama “Dream High” continued to remain victorious on the prime time TV chart for Mondays and Tuesdays, according to the results of two media research firms on Wednesday.

Teenage idol series “Dream High” posted an average viewership rating of 16.5 percent on Total National Multimedia Research’s (TNmS) chart and 17.3 percent on AGB Nielsen Media Research’s (AGB) poll, its ratings remaining steady from last week.
This week’s episodes featured Sam-dong (played by Kim Soo-hyun) who is suffering from tinnitus, bouncing back to his feet to resume his music training with the help of his teacher Kang Oh-hyuk (Um Ki-joon), his crush Hye-mi (Bae Suzy) and his classmate Pil-sook (IU).

This however, gets Jason (Wooyoung) jealous since Pil-sook stays alone with Sam-dong in the classroom for hearing lessons so he ends up implying his long-held feelings for her. Meanwhile, Jin-guk (Taecyeon) who made an early debut as a singer and is soaring high with his career, gets into trouble after beating up the CEO of his agency for an unidentified reason.

SBS’ spy thriller “Athena,” marked an average viewership rating of 11.6 percent and 14.1 percent on TNmS’ and AGB’s surveys, respectively, this week, the figures again slowing down by one to two percent on average compared to last week.
This week’s episodes showed the agents of the National Anti-Terror Service (NTS) trying to prevent global terror organization Athena from interfering with the activation of Korea’s high-tech nuclear reactor in Gyeongju City. In the process, NTS agent Jae-hee (E Ji-ah) gets shot by Athena leader Sohn Hyuk while trying to stop him from shooting a missile at the nuclear power plant.

MBC’s historical drama “The Duo” which took off last week is fast catching up with the above competitors, scoring an average viewership rating of 11.45 percent on TNmS’ report and 13.7 percent on AGB’s survey.

Pauper boy Chun-dung (Noh Young-hak) finally meets Mak-soon (Yoon Yoo-sun) whom he thought was his real mother but she turns him away, expressing contempt instead. Not knowing that he was a son of a noble switched at birth with Mak-soon’s real son Gwi-dong (Choi Woo-sik), he pledges never to seek his mother and find out the reason she left him in the beggar’s quarters.

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Reporter : Heidi Kim heidikim@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

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