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Jang Dong-gun wife gives birth

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Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young on their wedding on May 2, 2010. [AM Entertainment]

Jang Dong-gun and Ko So-young on their wedding on May 2, 2010. [AM Entertainment]

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Top Korean actor Jang Dong-gun's wife actress Ko So-young has given birth to a boy, Jang's agency said on Monday.

Ko, 37, was in labor for ten hours before delivering a 3.2 kilogram baby, yet to be named, at around 4 a.m. today in a hospital in Seoul.
"I'm very happy that both my wife and child are healthy," Jang was quoted as saying by AM Entertainment.

However, Jang will not be able to spend much time with Ko and the newest member of his family; he will visit the city of Busan at the end of the week to promote his upcoming Hollywood debut film "The Warrior's Way" and next week will start filming top Korean director Kang Je-gyu's Hollywood debut movie "My Way" in various locations overseas.

The couple, dubbed Korea's 'couple of the century,' had been expecting a child since early this year, ahead of their marriage in early May.
They tied the knot after dating for two years but sparked rumors of being in a romantic relationship several times since co-starring in 1999 film "Love Wind, Love Song."

Jessica Kim jesskim@

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