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Moon Geun-young joins Jang Keun-suk for new drama

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Moon Geun-young [Namoo Actors]

Moon Geun-young [Namoo Actors]

원본보기 아이콘

Top Korean actress Moon Geun-young has decided to join the main cast of an upcoming KBS TV series also starring actor Jang Keun-suk, according to the show's promoter Ytree;media on Monday.

Ytree announced through a press release that the 23-year-old starlet will take on the role of the shameless and optimistic Mary in the drama based on comic "Mary is Out of Night" by famed cartoon writer Won Soo-yeon.
"Mary" will be a romantic comedy which revolves around Mary who makes realizations about love and herself while being in two fake marriages for 100 days -- to Moo-kyul, a hippie and Indie band lead vocalist who has nothing, and Jung-in, a man who has everything including the brains, looks and wealth.

"'Mary' is brilliant in terms of its material and plot but is also fun and appealing because of its unique characters," Moon said. "I feel pressured because simulated marriage is a topic which has never been handled in dramas before but I'm also excited and nervous about how I'll show it."

Just last week, Jang had confirmed he had been cast for the role of Moo-kyul in the drama set to air starting November, after series "Sungkyunkwan Scandal" ends its run.
Moon, currently starring in play "Closer" as Alice, the role of a stripper taken on by Natalie Portman in the movie version, last appeared on the popular small screen show "Sister of Cinderella" five months ago.

Moon, with already 10 years of acting experience under her belt, has appeared in numerous films and dramas including "Autumn Tale" and "My Little Bride."

She also won the grand prize at major broadcaster SBS' year-end Acting Awards last year for her role as a talented painter in drama "The Painter of the Wind" which has received several international acclaims.

Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>


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