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SM denies Lee Teuk, Taeyeon dating

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Super Junior member Lee Teuk (left) and Girls' Generation member Taeyeon [Asia Economic Daily]

Super Junior member Lee Teuk (left) and Girls' Generation member Taeyeon [Asia Economic Daily]

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Top Korean management firm SM Entertainment has denied that its artists Lee Teuk of boy band Super Junior and Taeyeon of female idol group Girls' Generation are in a romantic relationship.

Several reports earlier in the day had stated the two were dating, citing photographs fans had posted of the two wearing identical earrings over several occasions.
Most recently, Lee Teuk had worn a silver bunny earring on his right ear at the press conference for the U.S. leg of SM's world tour in Los Angeles on September 6 while Taeyeon wore the same accessory on the same ear as well when she showed up at the red carpet event in Korea for Universal Pictures' animated film "Despicable Me" the next day.

"It's just a matter of coincidence. I'm at a loss for words," an official at SM Entertainment said to Asia Economic Daily over the phone.

It is not the first time rumors of the two dating have surfaced -- they sparked in March when they were spotted wearing identical necklaces.
Lee Teuk, 27, is the leader of his popular 13-man band and has played several small screen roles as well as hosting variety and radio programs.

Taeyeon, six years younger, is the leader and main vocalist of her nine-member girl group. She too has appeared in several variety shows.

Reporter : Park Kun-ouc kun1112@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@

<ⓒ투자가를 위한 경제콘텐츠 플랫폼, 아시아경제(www.asiae.co.kr) 무단전재 배포금지>

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