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[JIMFF] Meet rock legends at Jecheon

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There was a time when rock was legendary. New rock bands emerged from here and there, they made amazing albums, and they were in line with the public and critics tastes. Every young person idolized The Beatles and Hippism, which cried out for love and peace with music by rock musicians, settled as the trend of those times. The colossal change that rock music brought to young culture in mainly England and the United States in the 1960s, led the flow of pop culture around the world in the 20th century, and the aftershock from it exists till today. But starting with the Woodstock Festival in 1969, the era of the legend ended. As bands started to make huge profits, they became dinosaur bands which makes their decisions based on business, and the rock spirit moved toward emphasizing pleasure rather than resistance or social participation.

The music documentaries shown at the 6th Jecheon International Film & Music Festival is about the choices that rock bands make after the times rock was legendary. When Pink Floyd produced album-of-the-century “Darkside of the Moon,” instead of showing the rough sounds of rocks bands or going to concert halls, he started to create a sound, one by one, at a studio as if an engineer. That was the start to the possibility that rock will be able to break free from its original format of being a band and branch out to many forms. On the other side was The Doors who instilled the basic instinct of human psyche into a combination of the blues and psychedelic. And with his surreal lyrics and controversial stage manners, Jim Morrison crossed between pornography and literature. “Doors: The Doors” is a record of the historical start to The Doors. And in documentary “Stones in Exile,” the Rolling Stones meet a turning point in their career after leaving to France in the midst of being involved in all sorts of scandals, and produce their best masterpiece “Exile on the Main Street.” The story of legends and truths, identity and development, and rock bands which had find a way to move forward in some way or another. These films will be true recordings of those times.

Senior Reporter : Kang Myoung-Seok two@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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