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Se7en unveils teaser video for title track

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Korean singer Se7en, who will be returning to the local music scene for the first time in three years, released a teaser video for the title track of his new album today.

A 25-second long teaser video for the title track "Better Together" from Se7en's new mini-album was unveiled online, along with photographs of the young star dressed in accordance to the concept of his new album.
Just yesterday, he had unveiled his track list for the upcoming album, consisting of seven songs, produced by YG's main producer Teddy.

Se7en, whose real name is Choi Dong-wook, trained under YG Entertainment for four years before making his debut in 2003 with album "Just Listen" through which he instantly rose to stardom.

He also gained fame in Asia while releasing four full-length albums in Korea and seven singles in Japan.
Se7en had then crossed over to the United States in 2006 to pursue a music career there, collaborating with famed producer Rodney "Darkchild" Jenkins on his digital single "Girls" featuring female rapper Lil' Kim.

Se7en's new album will be released in Korea on July 21.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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