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Park Jae-beom likely to sign with SidusHQ

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Korean singer Park Jae-beom, the former leader of boy band 2PM, is likely to sign with SidusHQ, one of the largest talent agencies in Korea.

"We are currently in final stages of negotiations with Park regarding an exclusive contract," a high-ranking official at SidusHQ explained on Thursday, adding that a decision is expected to be made next week since talks are "going in a positive direction."
SidusHQ manages the career of some of the biggest names in the Korean entertainment industry including Zo In-sung, Jun Ji-hyun and Han Ye-seul.

Several agencies are said to have been contacting Park after his former agency JYP Entertainment terminated its contract with Park who committed to "a huge personal wrongdoing" earlier this year.

He had already quit 2PM after coming under heat last September over controversial comments he made about Korea on his MySpace account before his debut.
He had been staying in the U.S. since, dancing with his b-boy crew Art of Movement and keeping his fans informed about him through his YouTube channel where he occasionally posted up videos of him singing covers of American songs.

He then signed with U.S. online media company Digital Media Wire (DMW) in late May who would represent the singer in respect to his global career in entertainment.

Park, 23, returned to Korea on June 18 to begin filming for the b-boy pic "Hype Nation." He is also set to release a solo debut single album next Tuesday.

Reporter : Ko Kyoung-seok kave@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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