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Taeyang to release first full-length album in July

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Taeyang of popular idol group Big Bang will be releasing his first full-length album titled "Solar" in July, according to agency YG Entertainment.

The singer made the surprise announcement on the agency's official website (www.ygfamily.com) and his homepage (www.ygbigbang.com/taeyang) on Wednesday morning.
"Taeyang put his best efforts into making this first studio album," explained an official at YG in the online post. "He wanted it to contain the music he had wanted to make for the past ten years, ever since he decided to become a singer at the age of thirteen."

"Solar" will be produced in two versions -- an ordinary version and a Deluxe Edition, the latter being a 30,000-copy limited version which will carry eleven regular songs plus Taeyang's previous singles "Prayer" and "Look Only At Me" as bonus tracks.

Although the record won't be out in stores until July 1 (for Deluxe edition) and July 8 (ordinary edition), every track from the new album will be unveiled, one song a day, on Taeyang's website (www.ygbigbang.com/taeyang) from June 25 through June 30.
Born Dong Young-bae, Taeyang was the first Big Bang member to debut as a solo artist, releasing his first mini-album "HOT" in May 2008. The album produced two hit singles "Prayer" and "Look Only at Me".

His digital singles "Wedding Dress" and "Where U At," released last November, will be included in the upcoming album.

The title track from the new record and its music video will be revealed through various online music sites on July 1.

Reporter : Lynn Kim lynn2878@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>



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