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Wonder Girls celebrates 2nd win on Gaon charts with "2DT"

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Asia pop sensation Wonder Girls has once again placed atop Gaon's singles chart with their new single "2 Different Tears" during the week of May 23 to 29.

According to the data released on Thursday, the female idol group held onto the No. 1 spot, scoring their second consecutive win on the chart.
The girls have been promoting the new record “2 Different Tears” in Korea, topping various music charts with their title track of the same name. They left the country on Tuesday to begin their solo tour in 20 cities in the United States starting June 4.

Making an incredible 20-spot jump from the previous week to No. 2 is the new tune "Love" by rock quartet CNBLUE and rounding out the top three singles is "HUH" by girl group 4minute.

Meanwhile, Veteran singer Lee Seung-hwan's 10th album "Dreamizer" successfully bowed into the No. 1 position on Gaon's albums chart.
Super Junior's fourth studio release "BONAMANA" fell one slot to second place, followed sequentially by MBLAQ's single album "Y" which bounced up two spots to third.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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