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F.CUZ to release special Asia mini-album today

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Korean idols F.CUZ will release an album in Asia titled “F.CUZ NO ONE Asia Special mini-album” today, according to their agency Can&J’s Entertainment on Friday.

The special mini-album will feature several songs including the Chinese version of their single “JIGGY” with which they debuted in Korea in January.
The group, who launched their singing careers in Taiwan and Hong Kong in March under major Taiwanese record company Seed Music, will also be visiting several countries in Asia to promote their new album.

They will fly into Macao for three days starting May 28, then to Thailand from June 3 to 7 and head to Japan and Singapore in July.

"We are so happy and would like to thank our Asia fans for showing interest in us even though we haven't even met them yet officially," F.CUZ was quoted as saying.
F.CUZ, composed of Kan, Yejun, Jinon and LeeU, made their debut in early January.

They are currently starring on MTV's sport variety program "Idol United" and are scheduled to perform at the "2010 I Love Korea DREAM CONCERT" on May 22.

Reporter : Lucia Hong luciahong@
Editor : Jessica Kim jesskim@
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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