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[REVIEW] Variety show "Family Outing Season 2"

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Happy Sunday's "Family Outing Season 2" - SBS TV, Sunday 5:20 P.M.

There were probably not many people who expected the second season of "Family Outing" to be much different from the first season. Everything that could be shown in the show's format had already been shown during the one year and eight months of its first-season run. Moreover, the family members -- which is the only new element viewers can expect from season two -- are faces viewers have already seen on many other variety programs. Despite such low expectations, the first episode of season two failed to deliver anything at all above viewers' anticipation. The cast seemed out of place, as if they were guests from the first season who had gone on a trip together, but that was only natural since it was their first meeting. But instead of reviving the awkwardness in a natural way, the excessive set-up of trying cover it up right away with a forced friendliness under the name of being a 'family' was far from 'real.'
The process showing actor Yoon Sang-hyun adapt 'turbulently' to his first go at a variety show, the winning bid for the beginning of season two, was not very successful either. The first season was refreshing in that viewers were able to discover new sides to actors such as Lee Chun-hee and Park Ye-jin on their bare faces without make-up in the "real" variety program that the show was during its original run. But the cast of season two was still calling Yoon Sang-hyun "Tae-bong" [his character in MBC drama "Queen of Housewives] when it should focus on how variety show newbie Yoon adapts to the program who is to reprise the role of Lee and Park from the previous season.

Other elements -- such as the show's trademark squirmy subtitles, its overly sensible use of background music and the romantic storyline already developing amongst idol group members despite their denial of dating rumors -- all weaken viewers' hopes for the future of season two. It was only the first meeting but watching the show felt like sitting through an uncomfortable blind date where one becomes bored upon hearing just the introduction.

Written by Kim Sun-young

Editor : Lynn Kim lynn2878@asiae.co.kr
<ⓒ10Asia All rights reserved>


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